Typing Agent’s Newest Features (June 2020)

e-learning features

Whether you are teaching remotely or in a traditional classroom environment, or both, Typing Agent is committed to making sure our program is performing at its highest level. We want to create the most optimal experience for our teachers and school district administrators.

Most of all, our goal is to help students remain engaged in their keyboarding lessons and excited to learn, regardless of where they are learning.

New Features for Both Remote and Traditional Classrooms

Over the past month, we have implemented a variety of new features and changes to improve our services, especially for remote classrooms. Here are some of the things we have done in keeping with our commitment to you:

My Weekly Learning Activity

My Weekly Learning Activity

Many of our users have requested a way to evaluate student progress on a weekly basis. With that goal in mind, we created a My Weekly Learning Activity lightbulb graphic for students and a Weekly Activity report for teachers.

For teachers, these weekly reports are a great way to see progress at a glance and monitor how well students are progressing. Students who are able to monitor their own progress may be more likely to take responsibility for their practicing habits.

New Reporting for District Admins

In addition to My Weekly Learning Activity, we added a new reporting featured that allows district admins to see more detailed Scheduled Test and Final Evaluation statistics. Admins can not only see district-wide stats, but also drill down to see individual school(s) and even student performance with just a click, allowing for a full scope of district-wide comparisons.

Improved Report Designs

We have also updated all of our reports to improve readability and clarity. Lines now have varied color tones, which we believe will make them easier to read.

New Tutorial Videos

Have you seen our Video Library? Even if you have, it’s worth taking a second look. We just added more than 20 new videos to help you learn how to use different Typing Agent functions.

Be sure to check these videos out. We know you’ll find them helpful!

New Solution Center Articles

While Typing Agent is a 100% online program that transitions easily between the classroom and remote environments, we know many of our users have questions about remote learning with Typing Agent. With that in mind, we created more than 30 new Solution Center Articles, including many specific to remote learning with TA.

To see all articles written with Remote Learning in mind, just type “Remote” in the search bar. Let us know if you have any questions we may have missed!

User Interface Updates

We have meticulously gone through all of the pages and made small updates that make a huge difference to you. In particular, we updated our user interface to improve the clarity of keyboarding statistics.

More Printable Offline Activities

Teachers have been asking for more printables, and we delivered! Check out our new printable offline activities, which include a K2 Pre-Type Activity Booklet.

Teaching Keyboarding and Technology During COVID-19

Typing Agent is designed to work for students in any learning environment, whether they are working in a remote learning setup or in a traditional in-person classroom or a hybrid of both. If you are looking for a sure ed tech option for an uncertain future, Typing Agent is the way to go.

In addition to our learn-to-type curriculum, Typing Agent provides lessons in digital citizenship, typing code, and Spanish language typing. Start a demo today.


We also wanted to announce this Summer 2020 we are launching a brand new learning program, Yeti Academy, to provide all-inclusive, online STEM courses for 6th-9th grade classes. Yeti will have both a freemium model as well as a paid premium version. Click here to learn more about Yeti Academy and get in on the action.

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About the Author: admin

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