Typing Agent has just released an exciting and very handy new tool for schools using Clever to roster their students – Classroom Sync. Now when student updates are performed via the Clever Portal, rather than having to wait until the next day for the students to sync to a classroom, teachers can simply click the green ” + ” button on the bottom right of their Typing Agent classroom dashboard and “voila” their students will instantly sync to their classroom and be ready to go.
Our 2nd and 3rd teachers would like to add lessons to their curriculum, but I am uncertain how to do that. I did go in and change a one setting, but it wasn’t in the curriculum area. Would appreciate a tutorial on how to do that when you get a chance.
Hi Julie,
Adding the Supplemental lessons can be added by going to Students and then selecting Curriculum from the fly out menu and assigning it from there. If you need more assistance, we would be more than happy to help, just reach out to us at: support@typingagent.com